Meshorer Lab Hebrew University ELSC













Title line The EpiSyStem ITN Marie Curie Network, which we are coordinating, is now recruiting PhD students! Positions are available in the following locations:

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem:

Labs of Eran Meshorer and Oren Ram

Helmholz Center, Munich:

Labs of Maria Elena Torres-Padilla and Magdalena Goetz

Institut Curie, Paris:

Lab of Genevieve Almouzni

Hubrecht Institute, Utrecht:

Lab of Alexander van Oudenaarden

IEO/IFOM, Milano:

Lab of Giuseppe Testa

Radboud University, Nijmegen:

Lab of Michiel Vermeulen

PhD positions are also available in our industrial partners:

KadimaStem, Rehovot, Israel

Diagenode, Liege, Belgium



Last updated on 1/26/14

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